Geometry Intervention Syllabus

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Geometry Intervention 2017-2018
Mrs. Pankau
Capital High School

Welcome to Geometry Intervention! The purpose of this class is to provide support that will help students be successful in Geometry. The math department at CHS is committed to helping all students develop study habits that promote lifelong learning. Completing the lessons and daily assignments in the regular Geometry class is very important to the mastery of the subject matter and helps students develop a strong work ethic. The purpose of this class is to strengthen math skills needed for Geometry and support new learning with additional lessons and practice so that students are successful in their regular class. In addition, we will work on strengthening problem solving skills and building confidence. It is not a study hall or homework room. All work done will be collected at the end of the period to be marked for points toward the weekly total. Weekly points will be a combination of skills practice worksheets and in class activities to provide additional opportunities for students to learn the material in the Geometry course.


  This class is pass/fail with 100% of the points coming from participation.

Materials Required

Binder from Geometry class, spiral notebook, paper, pens and pencils, and scientific calculator.

Classroom Expections

Students in Geometry Intervention are expected to participate fully in all activities and be responsible for their own learning and behavior. My classroom expectations are as follows:

1. Be Ready: On time with the necessary materials and work
2. Be Respectful: To people and property
3. Be Responsible: By following directions and using class time well.

Cell Phones

Students are to turn off cell phones and head phones and to keep them out of sight during class time, unless given express permission to use them for academic purposes. Students who violate this rule will have their phones taken and turned in to the office. They may be picked up at the end of the day.

Extra Help

Students needing additional assistance for homework or study time are also encouraged to attend after school tutoring sessions on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday (2:30 to 3:30) or with me or their regular geometry teacher during COUG TIME on Fridays.

Web Site

Stay tuned for a new website (SchoolMessenger) and learning management system (Schoology) coming soon! In the meantime, I will post information about the class and assignments through Skyward.


Parents should not hesitate to contact me if they have questions regarding their child’s progress in my class. My preferred method of communication is email at [email protected].
My voicemail number is 596-8209.